KOSAP Project Components

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Component 1: Mini-grids for Community Facilities, Enterprises, and Households

As the target counties are not served by the national grid, mini grids will be constructed to be the main source of energy. A total of 120 mini grids will be constructed throughout the 14 Counties. The mini grids will then be used to provide electricity to community facilities, enterprises and households.

Mini-grids are mostly suited for rural towns/larger villages that (a) are relatively remote and therefore unlikely to be served by the national grid, (b) are relatively densely populated, and (c) have expected loads that justify the mini-grid investments as opposed to deploying individual household systems. This usually requires a certain size (for example, 100 households plus) and sufficient existing or potential business and institutional loads.

The sites for the construction involved consultations with the County Governments in the 14 Regions. Counties were requested to provide possible sites for the construction of the min grid based on the following criteria.

  • Ability to serve 100-700 prospective users
  • Ability to attract demand of 20-300 kilowatt

The final sites will be identified after feasibility study is undertaken by the project.

Depending on the number of users to be supplied and the service level for each type of use, the mini grid will combine solar PV, battery storage and thermal units running on diesel.

Kenya Power and Lighting Company (KPLC) (READ MORE ) is responsible for implementing this section and the mini-grids will be developed under a public-private partnership (PPP). Under this arrangement a Private Service Provider (PSP) will be responsible for construction and partial financing of the generation systems and distribution network for each mini-grid.

The PSP will sign two long-term contracts with KPLC, 7-10 years PPA for the operation and maintenance (O&M) and for recovery of the privately finance part of the investment. A 7-10 years’ service contract for O&M of the distribution network will be signed with the successful contractor. After the recovery of the private investments, all assets (generation and operation) will be in GOK ownership.

Customers supplied through mini grids will be KPLC customers and will pay the same tariff for each category charged.

Component 2: Stand-alone Solar Home Systems and Clean cooking Solutions for Households

This component is implemented through a competitively recruited Facility Manager comprising of SNV and Sunfunder. The 3 facilities include solar Results-Based Financing (RBF), solar debt, and Clean Cooking Solutions RBF.

  1. Stand-alone Solar Home Systems for households

The vast majority of off-grid households in the 14 underserved counties are dispersed and require individual system solutions (Solar Home Systems- SHS). The project will leverage on the thriving SHS industry and provide incentives to companies currently operating in the more densely populated areas of Kenya, to expand to underserved counties. These services provided through portable SHS, are well suited to some of the population in the underserved counties as the households do not always live in permanent structures.

Affordability for the SHS is ensured by allowing the households to pay for the systems over time. Preliminary World Bank Multi-tier Framework (MTF) surveys shows over half a million households can afford a Tier I  SHS.

In total, 250,000 households that consist of 1.1 million people will be reached through SHS.


  1. Clean Cooking Solutions

The project target is to support transition from low-efficiency baseline stoves to cleaner, high efficiency improved stoves in 8 counties. i.e Turkana , West Pokot, Isiolo, Samburu, Marsabit, Kilifi, Kwale and Taita Taveta counties.

The target is to facilitate sale of 150,000 technologies.


Component 3: Stand-Alone Systems and Solar Water Pumps for Community Facilities

  1. Stand-alone Solar systems for Community Facilities

Electrification of community facilities is a strategic priority for the Government of Kenya (GoK). GoK has undertaken a recent large scale program to provide solar electrification to primary schools as part of the Digital Learning Initiative.

Under this, community facilities developed by the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education, and the Ministry of Interior will be supplied with power for optimum performance.

To achieve this, a private-sector contractor will be procured by KPLC for each service territory to supply, install, and maintain stand-alone solar systems in community facilities.

While past approaches focused on supply and installation with limited O&M consideration, the emphasis under this component will move towards a performance based, long-term service delivery. The project will also leverage on technological advancements to reduce maintenance costs. Installations will be made at 207 Secondary Schools; 784 Level 2 & 3 Health Clinics; and 106 ACC Offices.

  1. Solar Water Pumps for Community Facilities

About 380 boreholes associated with community facilities in the 14 Counties will benefit from the installation of solar-powered water pumps. This will increase sustainable access to water supply by equipping new boreholes and retrofitting existing diesel-powered boreholes.

The Rural Electrification and Renewable Energy Corporation (REREC) (www.rerec.co.ke) which is in charge of implementing this aspect of the project will hire private-sector contractor to supply, install and maintain stand-alone solar systems for the community facilities. This will enhance the sustainability of these facilities as operational costs associated with diesel-based systems will be avoided.

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The payment for maintenance services will be recovered on monthly basis or at a frequency to be determined by the relevant stakeholder – Counties, REA and community facilities- from community facilities hosting these boreholes.

Component 4: Capacity Building

The project recognizes the need to build capacity for the effective implementation of the project. Towards this, the project has set aside resources to build the required skills set for the Project Coordination Unit (PCU) in the MoE as well as for the Project Implementation Units KPLC and REA, and (PIUs).

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Participants in the Sustainable Energy for Policy Makers Training drew from Marsabit, Isiolo and Narok Counties after graduating at Strathmore University, In November, 2018. (Picture courtesy of Strathmore University)


Some of the areas in which trainings have been undertaken include: Project Development for Power and renewable Energy, International Procurement of Consulting Services; Project Management Monitoring and Control, Management Development Programme for Executive Assistants; Project Management and Implementation among other.

A central plank of trainings under KOSAP is aimed at enhancing the capacity of the targeted county governments. The County government’s role in the energy sector is defined under the Constitution as “county planning and development, including-electricity and gas reticulation and energy regulation.”Given that the County Governments have been in existence for less than six years, there is need to enhance their Capacity in order to undertake this function effectively.

Trainings for the County Government are focused on Energy Management, Renewable Energy and Sustainable Resource Management, Tariff Rates and Cost Recovery Requirements, Environmental and Social Management, among others.

A Training Needs Assessment (TNA) will be undertaken to determine the capacity gaps in the identified institutions and a long-term capacity building plan to be implemented over a period of Six years, developed.

Project Management

Steering Committee: This is the highest decision making body for the project. Chaired by CS (Energy) and Chair of Energy Committee (Council of Governors), PS (Energy), PS (Health), PS (Education), PS (Interior), PS (Devolution), PS (Water), PS (National Treasury), DG (ERC), MD (KPLC), MD (REA). Attended by the co-chairs of the Technical Working Group.

The team meets twice per year to review progress, provide policy guidance and resolve any high-level challenges facing the project.

Technical Working Group (TWG): This is critical decision making organ of the project. The TWG is chaired by Secretary, Renewable Energy, Ministry of Energy and a county government nominee. It includes representatives from the 14 beneficiary counties, KPLC, REA, CoG, FCDC, ERC, Ministries of Health, Education, Interior, Devolution, & Water. It is also attended by County Renewable Energy Officers and other PCU Member. The TWG meets quarterly and is expected to resolve the common challenges arising during implementation.

County Working Group: The County Working Group is the organ mandated to resolve challenges of project implementation at the County level. The Governor in each of the 14 counties acts as the patron of the group. The CWG is expected to keep the Governor of the county updated on the progress of the project. It is chaired by the CECs in charge of Energy and co-chaired by the County Commissioners on behalf of the National Government. The County Renewable Energy Officers (CREOs) act as the Secretary of the group. Other members include County Director Enforcement, County Director of Education, County Director Water, County Director Environment, County Business Manager KPLC and County Supervisor REA.

Project Coordination Unit (PCU): The KOSAP PCU is hosted in the Ministry of Energy and is headed by the Project Coordinator. It consists of various technical officers drawn from the Ministry and specialists in the areas of Procurement, Financial Management, Monitoring and Evaluation, Social Safeguards, Communications, Cook Stoves, and Solar. 14 County Renewable Officers (CREOs) who are based at the county are also part of the PCU.

The PCU is responsible for not only implementing Components 2 and 4 of the proposed projects but also the overall coordination of project implementation and oversight, including the following:

  • Defining, jointly with the respective county governments, the project areas based on technical and policy development priorities;
  • Resolving, in consultation with the county governments, challenges requiring high-level intervention facing the project;
  • Monitoring the implementation of the project; and
  • Consolidating information from Impact Assessments (IAs) on progress of implementation and results reporting.

KPLC and REA have established respective Project Implementation Units PIUs to manage their specific components. The PCU and PIUs consult and collaborate on a day-to -day basis and also hold monthly meetings.

Implementation Period

The implementation period is November 23, 2018 and ends on June 30, 2023.


Contact us on:

Ministry of Energy
Kawi Complex
Off Red cross Cross Rd. Nairobi Kenya.
P. O. Box 30582 – 00100 Nairobi Kenya
Tel:020-310112 ext 22205
Email: kosap@energy.go.ke