Standalone Solar Systems for Households – Debt Facility

What is KOSAP SSP Debt Facility?

The Debt Facility will manage a total of US $30 Million in KES to support ongoing solar operator growth in the Kosap Serviced Territories, specifically targeting working capital constraints associated with getting hardware inventory to market and with providing consumer financing to end customers.



The objective of the SSP Debt Facility is to support sustainable access to Lighting Global-approved solar home systems across the KOSAP Service Territories while encouraging the growth of earlier-stage, local solar companies where possible.

Eligibility criteria


The SSP Debt Facility will provide debt financing for Solar companies that can demonstrate a positive track record in distributing, financing and servicing Solar Home Systems.

Tier 1 or Tier 2 multi-point solar home systems that meet Lighting Global Quality standards.

Two years demonstrated track record of providing solar access in Kenya, including proof of ability to sell, distribute, and provide after-sales support.

Credible business plan and business model to sustainably serve KOSAP Service Territories (KSTs) markets beyond the lifetime of the project.

Ability and willingness to track and share basic customer data (including how awarded funds have translated to KST sales) in database form that is acceptable to the Debt Facility Manager (e.g. through adequate CRM and/or ERP platform).

The Debt Facility is open to any Kenyan registered business that credibly demonstrates the ability to meet these criteria.

Initial Applications

Please submit your enquiry to enable the Facilities Manager to schedule a one-to-one discussion with you. Please use the contact form to arrange this.

Information Pack

Download the KOSAP Solar Debt Facility Information Pack